Start-Up Nation Israel


Israel Start Up Nation 2020

Vardina Hilloo

Israel becomes scale-up nation with more unicorns per capita

With 41 Israeli-founded private companies worth $1 billion or more, the
Startup Nation has finally entered the Scale-Up Nation era.

“A privately held company worth $1 billion is known as a unicorn. A successful
company can claim as many of those magic horns as its valuation warrants”, explain an Israeli expert.

If you wonder how Israel a population of less then 9 million became a global brand of Startup Nation,
ndustrial powerhouse with the most startups per capita worldwide, incorporates as the third highest
number of patents per head, leading players in the world of high-tech innovation advances, attracting
international giants to its shores,
you should simply follow the roadmap strategic narrative on the beginning of this pioneered journey.
It started at the early 1980s mainly with telecom, software, communications, microelectronics,
life sciences and medicine margin. The most significant and stunning achievement invention at this
decade was, PillCam of “Given Imaging“ (1998), an Israeli medical technology company which revolutionized
the world of gastrointestinal diagnosis by developing a miniature camera in a pill capsule for endoscopies
and colonoscopies, the technology is currently marketed in over 60 countries.

In 1993 the government established  “Yozma”  (initiative in Hebrew), a creator of the Israeli venture
capital industry and facilitated of growth over the years ahead, makes equity investments in technology
companies and incorporates in variety of fields where the country has demonstrated later on
worldwide supremacy leadership.

By 1999 Israel ranked second only to the United States in invested private-equity
capital as a share of GDP. It also led the world in the share of its growth attributable
to high-tech ventures: 70 percent. According to the OECD, Israel is also ranked 1st in
the world in expenditure on Research and Development (R&D) as a percentage of GDP.
The venture capital industry has rapidly developed since, advancing the world with
technological inventions.
Israel is now considered to be a cyber leading power, 7 Israeli cyber companies ranked
among the 100 best cyber companies in the world, about 400 high-tech companies
operating in this field. To what extent the government attaches supreme importance
to this margin, may attest that the National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA),
located within the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem and provided incident handling
services and guidance for all civilian entities as all critical infrastructures in the Israeli economy.
